Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Always on, Never Done?

This week as I was researching for my teaching this month, I came across this great article. Very interesting and helpful to understand current trends and effects technology is having on us. 
Click here for the article: "Always On, Never Done?"

It's Not About The Nail - Video

@TravisCroft shared this video with Danielle and I a few nights ago at dinner! So hilarious!!!

It's Not About the Nail from Jason Headley on Vimeo.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Should we get a divorce?

As a Pastor I am often invited into the middle of dysfunctional pain-filled relationships between two people who are trying to be married. It's always painful to hear their stories and narratives of hurtful moments in the marriage. It's interesting and comical how they try to fake it until ya make it. That typically results in deeper resentment and hatred. These splintered, ruptured, infected, delusional, hopeless, lifeless and often deadly (not literally) relationships effect more than just the 2 people who said, "I do". The effects of divorce ripple out and effect everyone around them. It doesn't hurt for just a little bit, it hurts until one of them dies (literally). That's the problem with marriage, it's forever. That's probably why God set up such clear boundaries and expectations for commitment,  love, relationships, sex and marriage. In fact, when God choses an example we could all look to as an image of how He plans to interact with us, he chooses marriage. So here is the truth, when we ignore God in our marriage, we promise ourselves a divorce (1 John 4:7-12)

So should we get a divorce? I hate this question, but being asked to give an answer to this difficult question is a reality for me in my line of work (and calling). I am asked this question way to often by my friends who are struggling in their marriage. You may be surprised when my answer is not always, "no". However, a "yes" is excruciatingly hard for me to say. To be honest, I've only said "yes" once, and still have TONS of self-doubt on whether that was the right answer. 

This blog post is not to answer your question. sorry. I'm not a marriage counselor or family therapist. But my friends are, and I have watched them put horrible relationships back together into beautiful new marriages. It's fascinating to me how they can do this. But I did want to say this today...

If you have the guts to ask this questions, than you still have the heart to make your marriage work. Remember, Divorce = Death. Literally and  figuratively. Divorce is the destruction of the other person. And each time I watch friends go through divorce,  it's hard for me not to believe in God. I mean, if there was no God, than divorce should be just paper work. However, there is a God, and marriage is extremely important to Him. So when you get married, He binds you together into one person (Genesis 2:24). The pain is proof that there is a God, and proof He wants you together as one, not two. 

This weekend at Waterline Church, I will be starting a new teaching series called, "Friending". This series is designed to help all of us identify the friends we need to have, and become the friends we need to be. So if you are struggling in your marriage, you may not be able to be married right now, but you may be able to start being friends. And that's a good start toward healing. Everyone is welcome, every seat is free, the coffee is delicious and the kids will love it! 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Gotta love U2, here are 2 more reasons...

One of my favorite bands since I was a young boy has been U2. Still almost 20 years later I am still in awe of them! Here are a few of my favorite YouTube clips:

Bono gives testimony to the power and purpose of Jesus Christ. Reporter is in disbelief! 

U2 end their performance in Chicago by pointing everyone to Jesus. With all their hits, they didn't need to go out like this, but obviously they wanted to. To that I say, awesome!! 

If you enjoyed these and your a fan of U2, share with me about the first time you were introduced to them. Better yet, share with me about the first time you met Jesus too!! 

Believe it or not, Jesus loves you!! 

They know love and they make Him known!

Just found out 57 ppl are praying this week every hour of every day the 7 days leading up to EASTER at Waterline Church!!! So incredible! I love being the pastor of this church!!! 
They know love and they are making Him known!!

If you are curious about Jesus, please come and be my special guest this Sunday at Waterline Church in Fishers/Noblesville Indiana.

9am and 11am 

Programming for children birth through 4th grade. 

Believe it or not, Jesus loves you!! 

We love these sunny Indiana days!

Sent quickly from my phone

3 Reasons To Invite A Friend To Easter

Hey to all my friends that are planning on being with me at Waterline Church this Easter Sunday...

When we ask most people how they first came to Waterline Church do you know what they tell us?
It’s not direct mail or Facebook.
It’s not the yellow pages or our website.
It’s not because of the awesome pastor.
The #1 way people end up a part of Waterline Church is because someone invited them.  Here are three reasons why you should invite someone to Waterline this Easter.
They might make a friend. 
Get All the Details at
Some of my best friends in the world are at Waterline. Friendship is one of life’s great treasures, and church is a great place to make friends.  How cool would it be if you invited someone to church and they made a lifelong friend. 
Do you know anyone that needs a friend?  Invite them to Waterline this Easter.
They might be encouraged.

They say only 20% of an iceberg is visible above he water.  The rest is below the surface.  I think people’s struggles are like that, too.  You never really know what they are going through.  They might look happy on the outside, but they are really in need of hope or encouragement.   A simple invitation to church might be a spark of hope for someone.
Do you know anyone that needs encouragement?  Invite them to Waterline this Easter.

They might meet Jesus.
In the book of Acts, you can read about a guy named Andrew who brought his brother to meet Jesus.  Andrew’s brother was Peter, who turned out to be a great Apostle (he’s got massive churches named after Him!).  By far, the best reason to invite someone to church is they might meet Jesus.  Eternity can be altered because of a simple invitation.
So what do you say?  Who can you invite to Waterline Church this Easter?

P.S. If you bring someone, please introduce them to us at "Welcome2Waterline" following each Experience.  We would love to say hi.